Thursday, July 31, 2008

John McCain is sliding into real mud-slinging

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Politics are going down-hill for John McCain. He is not a leader -- he is cranky, pitiful old man that invokes the youth of Hilton and Spears to try to bring down a man that has the possibility of being our next great president. Skin color doesn't matter; it never did. We all came from the same human ancestor mother in Africa. If you don't believe me look it up. Not only that, it is obvious that Barack Obama has calm and resourceful intelligence. He doesn't charge off without knowing what the situation is. McCain is acting childish and petulant. Why would anyone vote for him? If we elect him, we will deserve what we get. I hope you people remember that all those people that voted for "good old George." When he was running I saw an interview and he didn't know the president of Pakistan. GWB is NOT like us. Neither is John McCain. His father and his grandfather were admirals in the Navy. He's not better than anyone else. Both those guys grew up rich and privileged. Their families paid for their college. This country is about equality.

McCain keeps calling me his friend.

I am not John McCain's friend.

But I will vote for Barack Obama. I think he will be thoughtful, responsible and decent. He knows how average people feel. He knows about trying to succeed and achieving that success.

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