Filthy Liars. I hope that the two EVIL TWINS running for Prezzzzzzzz are caught by their own lies. What we don't need is any more Tushi Bushi or Clipton Dynasties. I can't believe that they are doing such horrible things openly. I too want to know where in the hell is Howard Dean? Can't he do anything right? Ye Gods, this is so embarrassing for me, for Democrats, Republicans and the country. These two will do anything to win including dirty tricks and manipulation of the media. Have we all forgotten about Monica and Whitewater? YE GODS are we such fools that we are going to get creamed again? How many of us fell for "I'm a good old boy and just like you" from Tushi Bushi? The Evil Twins and Tushi Bushi are not like US. They aren't struggling to pay their bills or buy gas. They are already rich. They are all rich. But which one of the candidates is the most honest? Look carefully and listen carefully. Don't be a smuck again. We can't take another hit. Haven't we had enough? Don't we want people to see how kind and honorable we are? How we are inspired by our country's history? How we want people to try to be happy? What candidate can best show that? Barack Obama can. We can. And WE WILL!