Barack Obama : : Change We Can Believe In
I ask you, no I urge you to write and call anyone you can to ask for support for Barack Obama. He is the candidate for the Democratic Party and the candidate for this nation. If Bush could he would be campaigning for Obama; the reason he can't is because he is not informed of the truth. Hilary and Bill do not need to bring "Old Politics" to the nation. You can tell from the way they behave that it is all self-driven not other-driven. We need to do more to convice people that Barack Obama can protect the country, bring home the troops and improve our economy. Shrill and dinging voice will not win this campaigne BECAUSE SENSE AND INTELLIGENCE will. Just read how he feels on issues and you will be inspired. Read his speech from after the primary in New Hampshire. This man is the one who can lead this country back to the honor of the past and he can lead this country into the honor of the future. He is going to be our president!
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