Write about your favorite pet. Here is the pet I wrote about. ZIPPY the Adventure Dog
Here is what I wrote at 29 Diapers!
RD Larson
August 4, 2011 at 7:05 pm #
Zippy the Adventure dog was my most beloved dog. He came from a K-Mart Parking Lot being sold by the granddaughter of an old timer who couldn’t take care of him and his three brothers.They were chi-wieners, she said. Their mother had been a street-walker and had gotten hit by a car. The old man raised them from babies and one of them nipped. Their names were Nippy, Zippy and Trippy. I couldn’t take all three of them so I took the one I fell in love with — a runt with scraggly teeth and huge eyes. “So which one is Nippy?” I asked her. She said she didn’t know. I felt that she should have known. Of course, the ugly littlest I wanted was called Zippy. (You know by now he was really Nippy) He was happy to run away the first month we had him. I ran after him all over the place. Finally he figured he was okay where he was. He use lie on my chest like a baby. I loved him so much; he saw me through operations and bad times. Even if he nipped people now and then I loved him. He never really hurt anyone. As he got old he quit biting anyone except people who stuck their hand in the car. He survived 4 cancer surgeries and other illness until he died of a bad heart and old age at 17. That was 4 years ago. I have two new dogs now but I still love Zippy