Monday, August 31, 2009

Painting the Invisible Man by Rita Schaino

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Painting the Invisible Man
Rita Schiano
Opening this book is very like opening a gift. The gift is a gold link necklace. As you lift out each gold circle you learn more. You feel more. Slowly, as the mystery of Paulie Matteo's death becomes clear to his daughter, you come to know Anna Matteo and her life, before and after her father's murder. You can't help yourself and you begin to care for her deeply.
From a tough little kid to a strong woman who can cry, Anna takes your heart and leads you through the convoluted links of her life until the present. Her bravery, her sensitivity will inspire you and bring out your best feelings.
You get to know her parents, her friends and her loves. You meet the woman who may, just may, be the one love of her life. Gently but honestly, Anna's story is told as she tries to gather evidence and information. Always thinking and always striving, as she follows the nuggets of gold as grows as a person.
You, the reader, rejoices as though it were you. Anna is that strong of a character in this novel.
When the conclusion arrives, you will be astounded by the event.
I am a fan of Wally Lamb. I am always looking for books that have his depth of character and his honesty. This book has all of that as well as fine mystery.
Do not miss reading this book; you will learn from it and you will enjoy it more than many books that you have already read because it is masterfully written and gives so much to the reader.

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