Wednesday, April 27, 2011

r you can read my stories FOR FREE after you sign up at or you can BUY my book, EVIL ANGEL at and at and at

still a bit under the weather and slow at writing. take care out there.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


FOR FREE after you sign up at or you can BUY my book, EVIL ANGEL at and at and at

I still want to rant about Crazy Hair Trump but he does have good ideas about keeping work at home.

Today is Easter and I made a rhubarb-strawberry pie for the big kid and couldn't do anything for the younger kid. I am so frustrated.

Brunch was delightful and delicious; those two can sure cook. Now I am at loose ends but stil my brain goes wandering down the story paths.

Obviously Ramona's Barcelona Diary didn't win so it will become a 3 month diary of Ramona in Barcelona. Yes there will be crime and romance. I think it is still up at if you want to go.

I am lazy today but still I have goals.  I was here once in Memphis. Think about what it must have been like at one point in time.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

You can check out my website at or you can read my stories FOR FREE after you sign up at or you can BUY my book, EVIL ANGEL at and at and at

So if Crazy Hair Trump who has more money that all of us can't prove Obama WASN'T born in the ol' USA
what does that say about his power? C'mon, the guy is a reality TV star who makes others look stupid through the work of gifted writers.  I don't think anyone will vote for him.

I have a new story, a month's diary called Ramona's Barcelona Diary up at  It's a contest but you don't have to vote.  Read on while I write on. I write -- you read!