You can check out my website at www.RDLarson.com or you can read my stories FOR FREE after you sign up at www.bookrix.com or you can BUY my book, EVIL ANGEL at Fictionwise.com and at www.Mobipocket.com and at Amazon.com
I am sick of writing political blogs! Not writing any more.
I am not sick of dogs! I want another one! I miss Zippy! But I am not writing doggie splash any more!
I love to write so instead of links to what I've have up I am going to write about writing. Of course I might still let you know when something gets published or epublished. Everyone has a Kindle these days and I think I have at least five books at fictionwise that you can get on your Kindle.
But mostly I am going to write about being a writer and the pain it entails. Not one person admits it -- it is killing to be a writer and I am going to tell the whole truth about it. I love to write; I do. And I will never stop. But I guess I will confess some of the awful truths as I see them. I am going to rant and rave. So don't bother to read it. Oh maybe once in a while you will get some golden words but omg don't hold your breath.
Writing is hard. That is the first commandment of writing. It is damn hard and it is never easy. So before you write and tell me you want to be a writer, think about the hell it will put you through.
Remember the Shining? Remember Nicholson? He wasn't CRAZY -- He was a writer!