Thursday, February 28, 2008

Political Slash: If Tushi Bushi and If-n-I-Can are attacking The One then it must be clear who the front runner is. Can The One deliver? He must because then it will be on us to help and to care as is our destiny.

Fiction Flash: New story "To Die" at Look for my name in authors: lots of free stories -- some of them excellent.

Doggie Splash: I have a huge exercise ball with which I fool daily. I fell off today knocking loudly against the door. Both dogs rushed at me, howling "She hurt herself! She's crashed! Oh woe! Oh dear!" Comforted by licks and solicitations for my good health I had to restrain from gales of laughter. The dogs are so serious about health.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Hot Buttered Popcorn

Or Watching Politics in 2008! Boy, the politics are more of a soap opera than that old TV show DALLAS!

JR: McCain (Who else)(even though he is such a sweet talker)
Miss Ellie: Madeline Albright (who is said to woo the super delegates)
Bobby: Obama (who else?) (he's the guy in the white hat, folks -- good guy!)
Sue Anne: HRC (all that goin' on......) (long suffering wife of . . . . )
Pamela: Cindy McCain (there for the drama and to hand out the candy)
Ray Krebs: Edwards (the cute guy who gets run over)
Cliff Barnes: Huckabee (nobody knows what he'll do next)
Digger Barnes: Cheney (ya think?)
Lucy: Paris or Lindsey

Check out the video at the bottom of this page and don't forget to click through the adsense. It makes me happy.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Washington Caucauses

More than 20,000 people showed up to welcome our next President to Seattle today. Key Arena was FULL. The really nice thing Senator Obama did was speak to those supports on the steps with a bull horn. It was raining and miserable today.
But to those of us who believe that "thinking outside the box" will make our nation stronger, Obama is captain of the Ship of Hope. He sailed into our city today! I think he took the breath and heart of the Emerald City today. He has so much support here. I have never been to a caucus but I am going tomorrow and so are a large number of people I know. I hope all over the state registered Democrats turn out to choose Barack Obama as the Washington State Democratic nominee. I supported John Kennedy as a Young Democrat going door to door in my hometown asking people to vote for him. I was too young to vote but I knew greatness when I saw it. I see that same greatness, that same leadership and concern in Obama. I see the same compassion but I see a difference that is pertinent to NOW.
Obama's take on the future is new, not old and not broken. We have to move forward with our nation, to grow is to live. We need change and new ideas. Please if you read this and you're in Washington, go on line to find out where you caucus is and show up. Support the best Democratic candidate, Barack Obama. Don't expect anyone else to do it for you. It's your chance and my chance to be part of the change. Barack Obama has asked US to work with him to change things. So show up at your local caucus before one o'clock.
Don't let him down. The time is now. The time is ours.

Washington Caucauses

More than 20,000 people showed up to welcome our next President to Seattle today. Key Arena was FULL. The really nice thing Senator Obama did was speak to those supports on the steps with a bull horn. It was raining and miserable today.
But to those of us who believe that "thinking outside the box" will make our nation stronger, Obama is captain of the Ship of Hope. He sailed into our city today! I think he took the breath and heart of the Emerald City today. He has so much support here. I have never been to a caucus but I am going tomorrow and so are a large number of people I know. I hope all over the state registered Democrats turn out to choose Barack Obama as the Washington State Democratic nominee. I supported John Kennedy as a Young Democrat going door to door in my hometown asking people to vote for him. I was too young to vote but I knew greatness when I saw it. I see that same greatness, that same leadership and concern in Obama. I see the same compassion but I see a difference that is pertinent to NOW.
Obama's take on the future is new, not old and not broken. We have to move forward with our nation, to grow is to live. We need change and new ideas. Please if you read this and you're in Washington, go on line to find out where you caucus is and show up. Support the best Democratic candidate, Barack Obama. Don't expect anyone else to do it for you. It's your chance and my chance to be part of the change. Barack Obama has asked US to work with him to change things. So show up at your local caucus before one o'clock.
Don't let him down. The time is now. The time is ours.