My "books" are at for 99 cents and sometimes free.
Here is how I write.
I write everyday. I write about things that matter and things that don't matter. I write about women's anger and men's control. I write about feelings of rage, of love and of atonement.
If you want to write, you have to just do it. Don't think about format or layout or anything like that. Don't worry about misspelled words and weird paragraphs. Just write. Write words that flow out of your mind as fast as you can. You can fix it later. Writing is a blood and guts job so be prepared to suffer. You will be exposed and criticized. You will have to bear it. You will have to have another job, maybe two. You need to write stories that your readers will be part of the characters and part of the scenery. You have to get it all down.
Then you have to rewrite it and correct it. Then lay it out as a story line. Rewrite it. Get somebody to proof it for you because you likely won't catch all your mistakes. Read it aloud. Or get your laptop to read it to you will it speak. Imagine how is going be heard in the readers' mind. Give it your all and don't whine. It is hard work.