Saturday, June 9, 2012

spring thingy with flowers and dogs (only one or two left) and or at or you can BUY my book, EVIL ANGEL  OR OTHERS at to read Ramona's Barcelona Diary along with all of my exciting short novella stories that sell for 99 cents.Sometimes less.

Today was a nice day. The white lilacs are almost finished but I can bear to cut them yet. The smell so sweet. And the columbine is nearly ready to bloom. Tomato (been out doors all this cold time) have blooms. Best of all my huge purple dahlia from last year is growing again big and strong. It felt very like spring, We sat on the deck in our chairs and pretended to be old people surveying their estate and animals. It was very homey time. Is homie a word or is homey? suggestions appreciated.

What kind of stories do you like? Do you like short stories or long stories? Books or series? Well, let me know

write me