Thursday, August 4, 2011

You too can win A Dog's Purpose at 29 diapers!

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Write about your favorite pet. Here is the pet I wrote about. ZIPPY the Adventure Dog
Here is what I wrote at 29 Diapers!
RD Larson
August 4, 2011 at 7:05 pm #
Zippy the Adventure dog was my most beloved dog. He came from a K-Mart Parking Lot being sold by the granddaughter of an old timer who couldn’t take care of him and his three brothers.They were chi-wieners, she said. Their mother had been a street-walker and had gotten hit by a car. The old man raised them from babies and one of them nipped. Their names were Nippy, Zippy and Trippy. I couldn’t take all three of them so I took the one I fell in love with — a runt with scraggly teeth and huge eyes. “So which one is Nippy?” I asked her. She said she didn’t know. I felt that she should have known. Of course, the ugly littlest I wanted was called Zippy. (You know by now he was really Nippy) He was happy to run away the first month we had him. I ran after him all over the place. Finally he figured he was okay where he was. He use lie on my chest like a baby. I loved him so much; he saw me through operations and bad times. Even if he nipped people now and then I loved him. He never really hurt anyone. As he got old he quit biting anyone except people who stuck their hand in the car. He survived 4 cancer surgeries and other illness until he died of a bad heart and old age at 17. That was 4 years ago. I have two new dogs now but I still love Zippy

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

nose in the air ear to the ground and shoulder to the wheel

You can check out my website at or you can read my stories FOR FREE after you sign up at or you can BUY my book, EVIL ANGEL at and at and at

I got these flower seed pods on my fushia? Does anyone know what to do with them? No I am not making jelly either. Can you plant them?

Not a good year here for plants-- they are pitiful. Nor last year either. Just ask Al Gore!

What do you think about "The Super Congress"? Should we scream, laugh or worry?  All three? Yeah maybe.

Bam is getting so grown-up; he isn't running off so much which is good because those pesky teen-age eagles are low flying these days.

Saturday night we hit a fox. It was almost across -- well past the yellow line. Then it turned and was hit by front and rear wheel. I felt so bad. I love them even though they eat chickens they also eat mice and rats. I think they are wonderful.

Anyway I am still grieving. I remember one year the kits played tag in backyard in the moonlight. It was amazing.