Sunday, March 15, 2009

Doggie Splash, Political Slash, and Fiction Flash

You can check out my website at or you can read my stories FOR FREE after you sign up at or you can BUY my stories at and at

Doggie Splash: Faline has been chasing mousies every night. She corners them in the wood pile and we set a trap where she can't get it. Then she comes in and we wait for action. She is the Huntress of Islewood Cottage!

Political Slash: Just saw Cheney on CNN. Who wants to listen to that old windbag? All I have in common with him is a pace maker. I wish he would shut up. I am mad at CNN for giving him air time. CNN and Anderson Cooper gave too much time to Rush Cheney and the octomom! Who really cares? Nobody but airheads that's who. Of course I don't mean YOU.

Fiction Flash: New stories from me at including a Christmas story with Albert Einstein as a character, egg nog and time travel. You can't go wrong with mix! There are others as well including the prize winning Losing Touch. My book Evil Angel has been re-released and now is available for download at Cambridge Books,, or and of course A straight link to my book Evil Angel is

  • Saturday, March 7, 2009

    The Gradephy Award for Literary Achievement

    You can check out my website at

    It isn't every day that you have a dream come true. For my friend, Susan Wingate, today was the day her dream came true. Literally and fictionally. She had a dream that she won The Gradephy Award for Literary Achievement. NOW GO THERE AND READ WHAT HAPPENED NEXT!
    Now if we can get Pamela Sue, Paris Hilton and Oprah to support this Award we'll be thrilled. Not to mention if we get Barack Obama to say this is an America Award which is born of dreams. LOL. (NOT little old lady, either!)
    So when she woke up she told her husband. Then she put it on Facebook Wasn't that smart? She is very smart and if you think making up your own Literary Award from a dream is fun, you should read her book, Bobby's Diner. It's about a wife and an ex-wife that inherit the deceased hubby's dinner. Cats do fight, ya know. Go to get her book at Amazon.

    You can also order a copy of my book Evil Angel at Writewords So read it already. Obsessed woman tries to hold on to what she thinks is HER man. Suspense thriller set in Aspen, CO. Not for prudes. Adult readers only.