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Zippy is dead. His cancers and his heart got too much for him. I didn't have the courage to keep him home alive to the very end. I took him into the vet when the tissue fluids leaking from his leg became so bad that I couldn't keep the bandage on him and the pain pills no longer kept him comfortable. I would want the same consideration. A strong tranquilizer and a small shot. That is what I would prefer too, before I became inable to care at all for myself. I kept Max with me for so long that I know he suffered terribly and I swore I would not do it again. Zippy had the most darling face in the world -- he always looked like a puppy. And to think I didn't like him in the begining. He followed me around for two weeks and stole my heart. Sometimes I felt like my telepathy with him was a great communication than I have had with my own human species. Although he could not reason, he had many deep qualities. He knew how to forgive, how to have fun, how to love the sunshine and how to curl up beside me when I was sick or depressed. I hope that I was as good a friend to him as he was to me. No matter what, I will always love him dearly and know that he loves me back. I hope that some day he will care for me in my last days in the same way that I cared for him and make peace available before it was unattainable.