see Big Hug Labs to make the photo! good place to visit.
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I hope you saw the news conference today. Obama was calm and thoughtful. He seems to be considering all sorts of possible answers to the financial crises. Much better than a knee-jerk reaction. Have you ever been in a critical situation with another person -- like a witness to a car accident -- you pull over because you're the driver and your friend, the passenger, jumps out and runs across the road to the accident? He nearly gets hit himself and is so excited he can't help? You don't want that kind of person answering that phone call, ya know? Sometimes we are to responsive to act rationally. We all must value a sense of calm, of steadfastness and reasonable behavior. He is a very good role model for all of us. I am not saying stoicism but calm reason is a better answer to problems.
Check this out: http://www.thesocialreformer.com/2008/11/seven-blunders-of-world.html
And the one after.
My dogs are so cute; they watched CNN tonight and saw the dogs. Both spoke about it, saying that it's nice to be represented on the news.