When will I get my vision back?
During the postoperative period, the air bubble in the eye will be pressing on the macula to ensure closure of the hole. While the air bubble is present in the eye, the eye is unable to focus light properly, and therefore vision is significantly disrupted. Often patients are only able to see shapes, shadows or hand movements in front of their eyes while the bubble is large. As the bubble begins to shrink, usually between the third and fourth week, vision begins to return. Final vision recovery is often not achieved for 6-12 weeks following the operation after the bubble completely resolves, the macular hole heals, and a final prescription for glasses is given. For those patients who have not had cataract surgery, the vision may begin to exhibit gradual deterioration approximately 6-12 months after the operation as a cataract develops. Once cataract surgery is performed, vision would then typically return to its maximal level.
Basically, I've had quite a bit of pain but it does seem to be getting better. Not expecting much vision as yet. My biggest bother is the right eye weeps when I try to use it and the left of course is useless. L. is being the world's best nurse, I'm telling you. Thanks for all the cards, letters, notes, pictures and books. I am so grateful for such kindness from friends and readers.
Not to worry okay? I am teaching the computer to convert sound to print and print to sound so in three months I should see very well again and will also be able to do what I did before these three eye surgeries.
I have always thought that a challenge and a struggle makes a person stronger and more resilient. I'm living proof of that. I am looking forward to finishing my fourth book, Cleanup Jobs. www.RDLarson.com books at Amazon, Fictionwise.com and mobipocket.com. See you on the same page!