Political Slash:
Slimus Imus shoulda been corked a long time ago. There are so many rude and crude radio hosts out there. Not just radio, TV, music and movies. IF it doesn't move the plot, don't use it. If it hurts somebody, don't use it. Ranking people is more like raking people. It's not funny for public figures to do. Hooray for Barak Obama for saying he thought Imus should be fired. It's hurtful to all who condone or listen to bad remarks that slam any person or group. It's demeaning to hear it, to listen to it and to do it. Value ourselves and others.
Doggie Splash:
Faline can walk on her front legs. Now if I can get her to do it when I want her too. It's like a kid with a new word-- can't or won't say it when Gramma comes to visit.
Fiction Flash:
I wrote 3 new flash fictions recently and also have opted to rewrite "Blood Links" for Dark Recesses! Wish me luck. I am speaking to some women today about Journaling and Writing.