Thursday, December 20, 2007

Iowa Caucuses

To read more about what is happening in the Iowa election click on the link above: this note about who can and cannot participate.


Who: Anyone, whether registered as voters or not, can attend the Iowa caucuses as long as they'll be 18 by Election Day 2008. Attendees can register on caucus night.

When: The caucuses - since 1972 the first major electoral event of the presidential-nominating process - will be held the evening of Jan. 3.

How: Voters and future voters must be in their Democratic or Republican caucus location, which can be a church, school, someone's home or elsewhere, by 7 p.m. Jan. 3. The attendees will be asked to choose a presidential candidate - through a straw poll for Republicans and a variety of means for Democrats, including sometimes standing in a certain area to be counted.

What's next: For Republicans, the straw poll results will be counted and used to send delegates to the state nominating convention.

For Democrats, the results are counted at the caucus to determine whether candidates meet certain viability thresholds - at smaller caucuses the threshold is 25 percent, at larger ones it's 15 percent. If some preferences are considered not viable, voters will be given the chance to pick again. Once viable selections are made, the results will be used to select delegates to county nominating conventions.

The delegates are not bound by the caucus results but tend to stick with the candidate picks that won them selection.

Why it matters: While a presidential candidate can win party nomination without winning Iowa and lose it after winning Iowa, the early support gives candidates important momentum to continue.

Vote for Barack Obama -- for clarity insight reality and on top of the ISSUES. Got to to learn more.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas nearly here, isn't it?

When I was a kid I got an orange, three pair of cotton panties from JC Penny and a book from my Pop. Sometimes it was Nancy Drew and sometimes it was the Hardy Boys. The books were almost always second-hand. One year I got a book called Girl of the Limberlost. And when I was about twelve my Pop got me a book called Green Mansions about a bird girl who lived in the jungles of South America. Since my birthday is so close to Christmas I didn't really get birthday presents. I usually got a cake though, a great big double chocolate, chocolate frosting Devil's Food Cake. It was so good that I thought it really ought to be called the Angel's Food Cake instead of the white fluffy kind. We always had a gallon of vanilla ice cream and candles on my cake. Today the children I know would be very unhappy to have such a meager Christmas. One year my name was put in as needy child by one of my teachers. My mother and father were horribly embarrassed at such a label. We weren't needy; just didn't have a lot of money. The real estate agent that drew my name bought me a doll that wet, a chalkboard with an easel and games. He bought me coloring books and a wood burning set. I was dizzy when Mama and Pop took me to his house. His wife and he were old to me, much older than my own parents. They had food that I had never had and special treats. I sat in their kitchen in my blue and pink plaid dress that my mother had made for me at the beginning of the school year. My mother had braided my hair very tight and scrubbed all my old skin off until there was only raw pinkish skin like a sunburn. My yellow hair was tied at the braids with blue ribbons. The old man wanted to hold me and watch me open my gifts. I shook my head no and couldn't speak. My mother said, " Go ahead, honey. They want to enjoy your happiness." I looked at my Pop. "Ahem," he said much too loudly. " She 's a shy kid and doesn't take well to petting. We live out of town so she is alone a lot. But watch out, you get her to talk and she'll talk your leg off." That made everyone laugh and the Mrs. Real Estate lady pour Morgan David wine for all of us, even me in a tiny glass. Then we had cookies and nuts and salty crackers. Finally I got to open those gifts. I didn't realize for a bit that they would go home with me. I thought the presents were very nice and told the man and the woman that I liked the gifts. The woman told me she had gotten a cat when she was a little girl for Christmas. She said that they just happened to have some kittens that were ready for a new home and would my daddy let me have a kitten too? I didn't know what to say. We had barn cats. Would we have another cat? My dad put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Girl, what do you think? Want a baby cat to look after?" "Yes please," I was able to whisper. We all went out to the garage except for Mama and the Mrs.
The kittens were sleeping in a box. I picked the biggest one. I named him Tommy and he lasted much longer than my Christmas gifts. Besides he was my friend. He liked my dogs too. He was the real gift that year.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

We're not doing so good here in this country right now. We've been lied to and ignored by the Bush Administration. Today, not tomorrow and not after the election we need to have a leader, not a decider, to lead the people of this nation into the joyfulness that we felt for the last 4 terms of presidency.

We must not sit and expect things to correct themselves. It won't happen. We need to take charge of our country and its future. We are a strong people, even though sometimes we're a little rowdy and sometimes a little slow to learn. Does anyone remember watching the parade of the flag and feeling that surge of wonderful patriotism? When we wanted to be a world leader because we were fair and just -- because we stood for freedom.

You can find an itemized list of wrong-doings committed these last years. I say to you, each and every voter, put the past behind us and go forward with morality, decency and respect for ourselves and the rest of our planet brothers.

If you look at the candidates only one tries to be a kind, thoughtful and forward-thinking person.
This man can stand clean and unmarked by the political whorl that has gripped the nation these many years. He has no big political steam rollers and no big lobby. He wants to be honest and truthful. He wants us to be truthful and honest.

We can't substitute "truthiness" for actual truth. Despicable is what clings to the behavior of this administration and Bush-Cheney in particular. As they set themselves up to "do it their way" they have set into motion a decline in democracy and freedom. The very freedom we enjoy is melting away and while we fiddle.

Congress keeps getting scared by the bullies. Congress is not following what they were elected to do. Does anyone have the courage to stand up for the ideals and principals that our forefathers wanted for these United States.

Arrogance and duplicity are trade marks of the old parties. We need honesty, reason and compassion back in our land. We need to respect others and behave in a way that will give other nations a reason to respect us.

Trust in God! Does it say which deity we must claim? Of course not, and wisely so. Your God is not my God. Let's put some of these problems in the hands of a capable man.

Support Barack Obama! Even if you don't like him, read on his web site what some of his solutions to those scorching problems we face today. Instead of "letting George do it" let's get a man in the White House who is strong, humble and intelligent.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Pace maker Felt marker -- I go electrical!

A week ago Tuesday I was taken to the hospital. The next morning I got a pacemaker that makes my heart go --( YOU GOT IT) paces my heart beat. I am doing great, feeling better every day although I never felt bad, just a bit tired. So I've got a getting-well eye surgery (starting to see some) and two new scars on my chest. Obviously, I was in a fight with a gunslinger and he plugged me on either shoulder, no doubt causing the need for a pace maker. Shucks, I don't 'member that gunfight at the Dead Wood Bar.
The dogs are taking good care of me. They lie close and tell me to rest. They also bark at any offensive intrusion but were unable to adequately run off the church lady and her cohorts today. Had I been up, I would have shouted, "Go away go away, ye brood of vipers." Religion is private to me and that is an imposition to have individuals witness to me. Oh well. What do you supposed they get paid? solid gold charms from heaven? Pearly gate coins to be spent on five star accommodations when they get there? Somehow I remember something about " being able to lay up stores in heaven."

Still though, such drop-ins are an intrusion to me. Just looked it up and here's the quotes:
Matt. 6:19 "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

That's about all I have to say. I'm tired. So bye for now. And remember, humor is good for everyone.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

When will I get my vision back?
During the postoperative period, the air bubble in the eye will be pressing on the macula to ensure closure of the hole. While the air bubble is present in the eye, the eye is unable to focus light properly, and therefore vision is significantly disrupted. Often patients are only able to see shapes, shadows or hand movements in front of their eyes while the bubble is large. As the bubble begins to shrink, usually between the third and fourth week, vision begins to return. Final vision recovery is often not achieved for 6-12 weeks following the operation after the bubble completely resolves, the macular hole heals, and a final prescription for glasses is given. For those patients who have not had cataract surgery, the vision may begin to exhibit gradual deterioration approximately 6-12 months after the operation as a cataract develops. Once cataract surgery is performed, vision would then typically return to its maximal level.

Basically, I've had quite a bit of pain but it does seem to be getting better. Not expecting much vision as yet. My biggest bother is the right eye weeps when I try to use it and the left of course is useless. L. is being the world's best nurse, I'm telling you. Thanks for all the cards, letters, notes, pictures and books. I am so grateful for such kindness from friends and readers.

Not to worry okay? I am teaching the computer to convert sound to print and print to sound so in three months I should see very well again and will also be able to do what I did before these three eye surgeries.

I have always thought that a challenge and a struggle makes a person stronger and more resilient. I'm living proof of that. I am looking forward to finishing my fourth book, Cleanup Jobs. books at Amazon, and See you on the same page!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

eyeballing the future

Hi ya'll,
This is what I have and I will have surgery in the next few weeks to correct it. Thanks for your many notes of concern. Google me to read my stories or go to or
See ya later, RE


Central Serous Chorioretinopathy


Central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR) is a problem that affects the macula (central portion of the retina). The exact cause is not understood. CSCR occurs when a small break forms in the pigment layer of the retina. Fluid from the layer of blood vessels that lie underneath the retina seeps up through the break, causing a small detachment to form under the retina.

This problem is somewhat similar to a water blister that forms on the skin. The process is similar to CSCR: fluid collects beneath the skin's surface, causing the layers of skin to separate.

CSCR affects men more often then women and usually occurs between the ages of 25 and 50. Stress is thought to be linked to this problem. CSCR typically resolves spontaneously, but it can recur. In some cases, it may lead to moderate but permanent loss of central vision.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Blurred central vision

  • Wavy, distorted vision

  • Central blind spot

Detection and Diagnosis

Usually the doctor can diagnose CSCR with an exam of the retina using ophthalmoscopy. In most cases fluorescein angiography is used to gather additional information about the extent and severity of the problem.


Most patients with CSCR do not require treatment. The fluid usually absorbs gradually over a period of months. Occasionally, steroid and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory eye drops are prescribed. In cases where visual recovery is delayed, laser treatment may be required to seal the leak and help the vision improve.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Hey Guess what?

You can now buy my book Evil Angel at Target online! That's pretty good. It's easy to do too. Remember though that this is an ADULT book, so kids keep out. Sorrow's Field is suitable for young people and so is a lot of my other work. To get my book go here: Target Online

I just don't know about Bilary -- She seems harsh and limited although she is a strong woman. I seem to feel she's out to prove that she can be as tough as a man. I don't think President is strictly a man's job so she doesn't need to prove to ME. What makes women special is that they are willing to negotiate and are willing to take a new approach to problems. What makes men special is that they are willing to fight and have a better idea of the whole picture. NOW look these are just my opinions so don't damn write to me complaining about this. You believe what you want and I'll believe what I want. Fair is fair.

The dogs are so cute. When being walked of course Faline is faster -- she has longer legs. She waits for Zippy though, since he is elderly and slow at 13 years. She is a smart little girl of not quite two years. I need to spend more time training her in the basics.

I am working on the Stumpy and Erle book. I'm working on the chapter called Forsaken. It's sad to me but it has to happen in the story. Stay tuned.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

A blind woman sails from Algiers to London to marry a man she doesn't know. She is angry with her father for the forced marriage and runs away. Lost on the moors and hunted by her father's men, Sarah fights to live her own life. search for RD Larson

Dogs are nice. They pretend to agree with everything we say to then and never argue about politics with you. They are happy having a simple life. And they don't suffer from vanity. All good qualities don't you think?

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Sharing the Selfish Self
RD Larson

People read for different reasons than they did in past years. They would sit around in the evening and read. Or they’d read before bed, not watching the last late night gasp of world news. Or they’d read during lazy Sunday afternoons. They read because it was the MOST entertaining thing to do. Today’s readers now go to the gym, rent DVDs or go online. More work and more fun makes readers feel pressed for time.

Writers today write for different reasons also. It’s less of “I’m written a great story” but more like “I write because I want you to know these people and what they feel and you can‘t do it in a movie or a play. It‘s too personal. It‘s between the writer and the reader. It‘s a contract when a reader picks up and buys a book from a novelist that exists between the two of them, just them, not the other 500 thousand readers that have already read it.
As the population enlarges and people are more assaulted by the instant and often demeaning venue of a picture is worth a thousand words of advertising and quick fulfillment the reader will want more intimacy with his entertainment. The pleasure of reading will rise again as an expression of thought and companionship. In no other media there not such a team, a one on one pair, as the reader and the writer. Even with the popularity of Book Clubs and reading groups, it still comes down to the magic that the writer creates for the reader. And the single reader accepts. A melding of minds and the essence of private communication without the commercials and without the projection from many minds into the reader/viewer, the true self can emerge and contribute to the story in its own unique way.

Sometimes we writers talk about craft and development. But there’s so much more. And our beloved readers know about it. They know the secret magic, the secret potions that feed our imagination, the tangles that assault our minds when our characters come alive on the page for first the writer and then the reader. How many times have you read words that said exactly how you felt? Or how you would have faced the situation? Who knows what a person will do when that enigmatic time of choice arrives? That moment that the writer speaks and the reader hears is the unexplained, the mysterious core of our contract.

What am I working on? That is a question that other writers ask and it is the same question that readers ask. It’s a fair question. The reader wants to know if I can do that magic again, make a character real, trust the reader with my life. For writing is my life. What ever Work in Progress is current, that is my life, my reason and my unreason, my cultural translation of my time in life in this time of the ages and the way people are so vulnerable to life. My job is to translate that to pleasure to the reader. The readers job is to see with his or her own vision my story, my sharing of my vulnerable, and, yes, open self.

What else is left but our care for one another? A writer and a reader care about each other when they share the selfish words of the page. Then it’s no longer selfish, it’s sharing.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Swinging with the dogs! OH yeah! Zippy is driving and Faline is riding shot-gun. The video is up at You-Tube.

When will it end? The war?

New stories up at Mobipockets
And Marion Riles, Soft-Boiled Detective

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Slimus Imus

Political Slash:
Slimus Imus shoulda been corked a long time ago. There are so many rude and crude radio hosts out there. Not just radio, TV, music and movies. IF it doesn't move the plot, don't use it. If it hurts somebody, don't use it. Ranking people is more like raking people. It's not funny for public figures to do. Hooray for Barak Obama for saying he thought Imus should be fired. It's hurtful to all who condone or listen to bad remarks that slam any person or group. It's demeaning to hear it, to listen to it and to do it. Value ourselves and others.

Doggie Splash:
Faline can walk on her front legs. Now if I can get her to do it when I want her too. It's like a kid with a new word-- can't or won't say it when Gramma comes to visit.

Fiction Flash:
I wrote 3 new flash fictions recently and also have opted to rewrite "Blood Links" for Dark Recesses! Wish me luck. I am speaking to some women today about Journaling and Writing.