Tuesday, December 26, 2006

A new read just for you!

Sorrow's Field
Sorrow's Field by RD Larson

My latest historical romantic adventure can be downloaded to read on your laptop, your PC, your cell phone or PDA & Blackberry. If you think a story about a blind woman searching for her birth mother in 1880 England might interest you, please order -- it's only $2.50 and if you like it, send me a note and I'll send you a bonus story FREE! Note: This is mostly a woman's story but it is a mystery and Cyril Holycross is the evil antagonist!
Offer runs until January 31, 2007.
All my best wishes for a healthy and happy new year! 2007
Here's to you!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

When Edgar and Bertha emerged from the cavernous hole that their space ship had made in Planet Earth, they blinked in the brightest of sunshine. Then they hugged and hugged.

"We made it! We made it!" They shouted to each other.

It was a historic day by any solar equation. Their planet would forever remember their names.

Monday, December 18, 2006

more of Faline

New puppy

Okay so I got a puppy for my birthday. Zippy loves her and she is very sweet. Even if he is way older he plays with her like a pup. They have fun chasing through the house. She's a good little girl and I think they like each other. Merry Christmas to you!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Dogs, Hugs, and letters

Almost 14 inches of snow today and yesterday. I made snow angels and made a snow gender profile. Zippy made yellow snow. And finally after much hesitation he made more solitary comments to the snow.

I know, I know. I'm childish. Yes! I don't give a flying Wallenda either. Stuffy people should be stuffed and sat on hard sofas with only prune juice to drink.

I love the snow, even if it's unhandy. Lots of life is unhandy, or didn't you notice?

I'm lucky that you all read my work so often. Many writers never get letters and I get letters from my readers every day. Today I had one from the UK in Suffolk. Thank you, new reader for writing me from such a beautiful place. I want to spend more time there when I next go to England. My friend, Tricia, of www.footstepstooxford.com fame, lives near Oxford and I didn't get to see near enough of there nor the surrounding area. I did spend some time in wonderful wonderful Faringdon with Cleve Gibson, author of Moon Dust (such a scary novel) that I grew close to that wild and tame place.

I am writing a new story about butterflies and metamorphic changes -- a love story I think. It's just swirling around now, unformed and unknown. Stay tuned for more.

Politics: if you know me, you know what I think. Working on poking the new members with a stick just as I often pinched the old ones. Hello? You hear me yet? Sometimes they listen but mostly they don't.

If you have a dog give 'em a love for me. An animal friend is truly special. Kay and Hans get a special hug. {{{hug}}}

Friday, November 24, 2006

Still worried

I'd say there's not much changing around the big house. We can't all just expect something to happen. Why doesn't anyone listen to us? What kind of place is this? Where's the freedom of speech? Didn't we have a majority vote earlier in the month? Call email write your congressman and your senator NOW!

Zippy is getting over his surgery; he 'll get his stitches out Mon or Tue or Wed.


Tuesday, November 21, 2006